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Covid-19 Guidelines


Your dancer's health and safety is our top priority as we return to the studio for classes in September. We are closely following all guidelines provided by North Carolina and the CDC and will continue to update our protocols and guidelines throughout the year. We thank you for working with us to keep everyone safe during this challenging time!


The studio has invested in Microsure. A non-toxic multipurpose cleaning agent that kills the corona virus within 60 seconds of application and continues to kill 100% of the virus for a minimum of 30 days. The studio floor, barres and surface areas will be treated with this every 2-3 weeks and high traffic areas will be treated weekly.




Dance Families and Staff members will monitor themselves and their families for symptoms before heading to the studio each day.


STAY HOME If your dancer or ANYONE in your home has any of the following symptoms:

Fever over 100 or chills


Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing


Muscle or body aches


New loss of taste or smell

Sore throat

Congestion or runny nose

Nausea or vomiting



Dancers of staff members with fever over 100 may not return to studio until they have been fever free for a period of 72 hours medication free.


What to do if: 

POSITIVE TEST: Your Dancer or someone in your home tests positive for Covid?

 Quarantine for 14 days from time of positive test and cannot attend class during this time. Please provide a note from doctor clearing your dancer to return.


EXPOSURE: Your Dancer has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive?

For COVID-19, a close contact is anyone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period 

 Dancer cannot attend class at the studio for 10 days from time of exposure but may return after 10 days as long as there are no symptoms OR after day 7 after receiving a negative test result (test must occur on day 5 or later)




Dancers will enter at the BACK of the building using the ramp access. Dancers will wait in the back hallway area until the previous class has left and their class is called in by instructor. 


*Preschool and Level I - ONE parent may walk their dancer into the studio for drop off.


*Any dancer that is new to the studio may be escorted in by ONE parent.


Our waiting room will be CLOSED until further notice. ONLY dancers and staff should be in studio in order to help us adhere to North Carolina capacity limits and guidelines. 



Pick Up will be at the front double doors on Main Street. Please be outside on sidewalk 5 minutes prior to the end of class. Dancers will not be allowed to exit building until their parent is outside.


Parents can also view dancer during class time from front windows.



The studio will have two non-toxic hand sanitizing stations (1) at the entrance and (1) at the exit. Dancers will sanitize their hands upon arrival and before departure. Dancers will sanitize hands in between classes and after bathroom breaks.


The water cooler will no longer be available. Dancers must bring their own LABELED water bottle to class each week.


If ballet barres or any other equipment is used it will be disinfected between each class. The studio will be disinfecting each night upon closing. 







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